Radio Jornalera MA

Radio Jornalera MA is a project of the Comite TPS Massachussetts  in coordination with the national Radio Jornalera of the NDLON network. It is used as a tool for educational communication and leadership development. The only media focused on defending the rights of migrants and low-income workers. It is a space where humble people speak their truth and pride in our identity is encouraged. Additionally, Radio Jornalera builds the power of the people through popular education and the knowledge and exercise of our rights. Radio jornalera dignifies the worker, the immigrant and elevates the identity of our people, with the purpose of changing misconceptions about immigrants and workers.

La Hora TPSiana

Every Tuesday

7:00 pm Easter time


Jose Urias, Doris Landaverde, Teofilo Martines y Jose Palma with National update of immigration.

It's a program dedicated to the TPSian community with the most relevant news about TPS and the topic of migration in general. It's live every Tuesday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Facebook and YouTube


Every Friday

7:00 pm Easter time


Jose Palma

It is a program where you find news, interviews with characters who are leaving their mark and the space to greet the week's birthday people. It's live every Friday at 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Facebook and Youyube

Radio Jornalera MA Launches “Your Voice is Your Vote Counts-2024”

Radio Jornalera MA, a media outlet for the Latino immigrant community, announced on July 19th, 2024 on the program COMENZANDO EL weekend, the launch of “Your Voice is Your Vote Counts -2024” its initiative to invite the Latino immigrant community to go out and vote, and use the different digital platforms to keep the Latino immigrant community informed. Your Voice is Your Vote Counts-2024, will have the commitment to bring a video each week to inform the Latino immigrant community how to register and how to collaborate in the civic campaign in their community. Educating about the importance of exercising their vote as a Latino immigrant to improve the communities where they come from in the areas of education, immigration, housing, among others. According to statistics, the second largest group of voters in the United States is the Latino immigrant community with 36.2 million who will be able to vote in November 2024. We will be following the presidential debates and coverage of the electoral